the past (not) forgotten

pernah gak sih lo ngutik2 masa lalu dan langsung garuk2 aspal?
ternyata punya blog itu ada baik dan buruknya.
buruknya? is that bloody archive!
semuanya, dari hal2 sekecil apapun jadi keinget jelas dari coretan2 yang pernah ditaro di taun 2004, 2005, 2006,2007. secuil cerita bisa bikin dada nelongso.. apalagi berbaris foto2 terjejer rapi dari saat itu dan masa itu.

emang sih, lucu juga re-living the past through those scribbles. Tapi ada saatnya, di saat2 yang paling menyenangkan, ada keinginan untuk go through it again. just for the fun part. :) tapi disatu sisi, what you have now isn't as good as what you had years ago. as desperate a person can be, fat chance you can transport back to the past just to fulfil the hollow feelings presently exist. Life isn't a doraemon's pocket, you see. (wish it were)

gak semua yang menyenangkan itu berlanjut terus.
nothing is forever, katanya.

at one time, i hate blogs.
nothing can easily forgotten when it's already blogged.

You've made your own history, your bibliography (in your own way).
hit that bloody archive!


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
