the Darjeeling Limited

The darjeeling limited.
you don't acknowledge big on the casts, the story, nor the fact of everything Indian.

you do however must understand Wes Anderson's visionary of a film.

Bermula dari Hotel Chavelier, sepotong film pendek karya Wes Anderson bertemakan complicated love dengan Paris sebagai tempat bermainnnya. (inget Paris Je t’Aime ?). Hanya satu peran dari The Darjeeling Limited (TDL) yang diceritakan dengan detail, si bungsu Jack Whitman (Jason Schwartzman). A Jack who got played by his ex (Natalie Portman).

***Psst, you get to see Nat pose nude in this short-film. Boys, be cool.***

Scene terhenti setelah mereka berdua menikmati Paris.

Yang entah saking anehnya, dari kota Eropa nan penuh cinta itu, kita diajak berlari ke India. Mengejar kereta. Satu kereta dengan nama "The Darjeeling Limited". di India. Berlari. Mengejar Kereta.
(hehe biar seru diulang ulang.)

Disitu muncul................ Adrian Brody.
He got on the train.
Even til then, audience are left unknowingly of where is this going and what's this had to do with Hotel Chavelier in PARIS???
Penonton..... bingung.

The door compartment says Whitman.
There, Peter Whitman (Adrian Brody) entered. Fast forward, three men -- Jack (Jason Schwartzman), Peter (A.Brody), Francis (Owen Wilson) are the Whitman bros. Persuaded by the eldest, Francis, to take on a "Spiritual Journey" for the three bros to rekindle their brotherhood, which had been lost a year ago following a passing of someone dear.

Why India? Although might refer to the added spiritual means of the journey, but there's another reason behind it all. A very sentimental reason.

Dari sisi cerita, TDL bisa dibilang ringan. Kita gak perlu mikir serius untuk mengerti arti dari setiap scene. Mungkin yang bener2 diliat dari sisi sinematografinya, which I wont include due to limited knowledge of oneself in film-art. =D

Anyway, karakter si tiga bersaudara ini keliatan banget bedanya. Si kakak, Francis, sangat bossy dan controlling over his brothers. Si tengah, Peter, dont wanna be boss around by Francis, and cold-feet over his new status as a dad. Si bungsu, Jack, the unlucky in love. Layaknya sodara, pasti ada moment2 yang bikin haru brotherly love sampe acara baku hantam dan pepper-sprayed shenanigans.

Bermula dari tiga bersaudara yang gak percaya satu sama lain, menjauh dan menyimpan rahasia masing2... setelah perjalanan spiritual ini, mereka jadi deket dan saling mendukung satu sama lain. Theyre there for each other now. Awwh. =D

Seperti yang udah dbilang tadi, dari sisi cerita sebenernya simple banget. Tapi penyampaian dari ujung A ke ujung Z itu gak seperti film2 lain yang temanya mirip.

ditambah lagi, keunikan si tas2 cokelat kekuning2an koleksi Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton yang mendapat fokus khusus sepanjang perjalanan mereka, selain dari si ketiga bersaudara itu.

Biarpun sepertinya ada sentimentalisme tersendiri dgn difokuskan tas/koper LV di film, tapi ini termasuk media exposure tersendiri dalam konsumsi yang berbeda untuk Louis Vuitton.

The bags were previously owned by the brothers' dad. Having them on the journey meant carrying the past into their lives.
And after, they left the bags intentionally on a stranded Indian terminal, ready to move on with their lives. leaving the past behind.

Francis: "Dad's bags aren't gonna make it."

And they just deserted the bags on the Indian terrain, and wave farewell.

Farewell to the past, maybe.

Soundtrack film ini juga mantab. Although diselip2kan dengan musik dan lagu India, tapi untuk musik bulenya, Peter Sarstedt, The Kinks sama The Rolling Stones sangat mendukung jalannya cerita.

Intinya, Gue suka ni film! Santai dan Menyenangkan..


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