a comedy night

it's comedy at your own home tonight!!
Ten presents the Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala 2008.

The grumpy day I had today instantly dissapear when Dave 'hughesy' hughes start crackin'. Gokil!

Lumayan deretan2 stand-ups yang bikin gue ngakak2 gila pas lagi busuk2nya cuaca dan nyeseknya mood. Pinter banget hughesy yang jadi pembuka Comedy Gala taun ini. Suaranya itu loh yang langsung mengiangkan telinga dan mau gak mau bikin lo stay awake.. and be forever haunted! wakakakaka..

Wil Anderson is, surprisingly, surprising.
The comedy he bring to the stage... hm, entah ya, whether I shud be laughing out loud, atau sensitif about it? Topic of the year, religion, american, taliban, teroris, and david hicks. I always love the guy on 'the glass house', tapii stlh liat standups dia a couple of times... topik yg dia pake selalu around those things. Maybe I take it in too much.
It's true though.. You can escape anything being comedian. I mean, what's there to confront, if they, themselves, aren't saying things seriously? it's comedy for laughs. comedy!

Gara2 abis nonton comedy gala, gue jadi inget dulu waktu kartun Nabi Muhammad lagi hangat2nya di media, gue pernah nulis begini
"Kartun, komedi, karikatur jadi perhatian duniaa!! Akhirnya.
Mereka bilang "jangan anggep mereka serius, karena mereka sndiri aja gak nganggep dirinya serius". Buat orang2 yang gak serius, pinter juga ngacoin perasaan orang2 di sluruh dunia persilatan ya? Kenapa juga susah2 jadi politisi ato psychic untuk mengontrol kroco2 di dunia ini. Hey, I'll just be a comedian. I'll have the power and cannot be blamed for anything cos what's to blame, I'm not serious. Really."

And then on TV showed us this scene of Rove Mcmanus interviewing Kevin Rudd.
balik lagi ke paragraf yang gue tulis itu, Dua manusia dari kubu berbeda. satu (1/2) stand-up comedian, satu lagi politisi pemimpin negara.. ada di satu ruangan, face to face. it's like watching the presidential debate, with a twist. My head keep having images of a collaboration of presidential debate and comedy gala all at the same time. wakakkaak..

apa sih gue? ngoceh gak penting begini. coretan2 bodoh.

my faves of the night of comedy gala, of course, dave hughes, stephen k amos, julia morris, arj barker. some i cudnt remember the names. Si bintang2 besar kyk rove dan jason byrne tadi malem hambar banget. komedinya kurang greget. herannya, jason byrne dapet beberapa standing ovation, which was totally unnecessary, I reckon.

The comedy festival's still going 'til 13 April. I was thinking of going to one of the shows. but due to lack of knowledge on the performers, I cudn't decide whose shows I should go to. If I knew about the Gala, I'd go for it than the individual shows. Akmal Saleh didn't appear on the Gala though. He has his own show at the Forum. Maybe I'll get a ticket to his performance?


Bytheby, maaf ya isinya mungkin bingungin. gue gak kasi2 tau ditel mereka2 siapa dan performance2 mereka bagaimana (males cari!)
tapiihhh.. saya sisain sedikit celetukan2 gokil mereka di comedy gala tadi..

Mark Watson

"I live in the UK. the world's capital of anger"

Jeff Green

"I drink 2 coffee. Didn't blink for 3 days!"

Frank Woodley

"I'm really sad then. I'm suicidal now"

ini juaranya...

Stephen K Amos

"All gays are.... gay."


Charlie Chaplin
"I remain just one thing, and one thing only , and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician."


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
