applying jobs in Indonesia (ie. Jakarta).
optional but recommended requirement is to include your photo.
it might be somewhat naive of me, but aren't the HRDs supposed to decide employees based on skills? I have this thought that HRDs would make a fairly subjective decision if we are to give out self-photos. Sending photos, fine. OK i wouldn't argue about it. but the timing should be after the first selection pool, that is after the first application forms (resume & cover letter), if needed.
i'm very very reluctant to send out my photo to any of the applications, but no matter what, i have to follow culture, don't I?
another thing that bugs me is GPA. We have a different grades scaling here and Indonesia. Firstly, and most important, we don't have GPA! Don't know how to manually calculate, nor given out the calculated score on the transcript. basically, i'm screwed.
why everything have to be specifically graded?
a friend of mine once whinge, if no employers want to hire average fresh graduate without a qualified experience, then how we would ever get to that required experience?
so true.
then again, if things were easy, there wouldn't ever be the term unemployment.
do you know what's annoying?
Labels: lifebugs
in the heat of summer
the most dreadful task to do ---to end procrastination.
it's tooooooooooo hott!
and i have to assemble words like "interpersonal skills, problem-solving, self-motivated, etcetera etcetera etcetera..
Labels: Rambling nonsense
"You're a part time lover and a full time friend"
Yes! its JUNO time.
setelah denger bisik-bisik sampai gegar gempar dunia tentang kebagusan JUNO di perfilman sejagad raya, AKHIRNYA saya menyempatkan diri untuk permisi ke cinema Nova dan menikmati 1.5 jam of JUNO.
saya cinta JUNO!!!
oke, not literally. but you know what i mean.
seriously, from the beginning to end, everything of the film amazes me.
from a simple sentence on 0 second when Juno said "it all started with a chair"
and closed by "it all ended with a chair",
are simply brilliant!
dari layar yang berubah dari "real camera" shot to animated/cartoony video for the intro and a cool autumn-y scene for the closing, semuanya pas banget dengan petikan-petikan gitar on the background. mantab jaya, boss!
dialog2nya pintarrr.
did i tell, its a comedy?
you wouldn't see slapstick or komedi2 konyol seperti film2 lainnya.
its slightly "thank you for smoking" but simpler..
if you get what i mean.
fyi, it'd be best if you're familiar with some American street lingo. cos they use that alot! dan saya perlu mikir dua kali untuk mengerti dialognya! huhuu.. entah itu Americans atau saya aja yang kurang beredar di aussie untuk ngerti lingonya. *grin
"Leah: Yo yo yoiggady yo.
Juno: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno: Yeah. It's Bleeker's.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno: This is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests?"
ok, since when we have "honest to blog"??? artinya apa sih bo??
and the forshizz thing, i didnt realize that in the scene! Just found out that Juno said forshizz after googling it.
half the dialogues I'm assuming they're comedy? given Elllen Page's acting, how she assure us that what she say is all funny. yeah, i know, i'm being ridiculous.
i have to see JUNO once more. and this time, on DVD. not pirated.
cos I have to have the right subtitles. you know how crappy the pirated ones are.
ok back to JUNO.
in a nutshell, JUNO is about a girl who got knocked up after a one-time thing with a bestfriend. After series of depressing movies about preggy highschoolers, JUNO is able to deliver a different perspective. the independence in seeing the options available on the table for her and the baby.
Some fear the negative impacts of the movie to teenage pregnancy. How teens may see that being pregnant at a young age is alright. given there are "good" solutions out there, ie. infertile families, or gays.
i see why the concerns.
karena JUNO menanggapi kehamilannya ini sangat cuek dan open-minded banget! tapi mungkin karena dia juga didukung dengan parents yang understanding banget. hmm..
having said that, i really couldn't see any flaws in the movie. of course not in cinematical perspective, since i have zilch knowledge on movie-making. the soundtrack is a killer though. setelah dengerin berkali-kali, suddenly i realized that this movie setipe dengan "Virgin Suicide" nya Sofia Coppola!! in a comedy sense, that is. biarpun musiknya mirip (datar dengan suara akustiknya "operator please" mungkin ya. kasarnya: suaranya kayak orang gak niat idup!) tapi liriknya jelas beda! have a listen, then you'll know.
Michael Cera and Ellen Page ended the film with a song from the moldy peaches "anyone else but you"...
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
hhhh... saya puas!
JUNO deserves to receive all the rave reviews.
and the Oscar nominations!
psst.... rumor2 bilang Ellen page is the queen of independent films. wahh saya setuju saya setujuu..
she's Juno awesome-y.
err, ya begitulah. ;)
Labels: Moving feast
musical galore!
Sat 2 March
Prince of Wales Bandroom
Nouvelle Vague:
It’s cocktail hour! Adding a sophisticated French bossa nova twist to British new-wave classics from the 80s, Nouvelle Vague’s chic chanteuses purr their way through an evening of stylish reinterpretations. Tracks like Blondie’s ‘Heart of glass’ and Echo and the Bunnymen’s ‘The killing moon’ are infused with Caribbean flavours (reggae, salsa, calypso), Brazilian rhythms and jazz. Using percussion, acoustic guitar and accordion with smouldering vocals, Nouvelle’s multi-instrumentalists transform each song into an original masterpiece.
We saw their last concert end of last year at the Art Centre with special performance by Emilie Simon. They both were awesome. If Nouvelle will perform their latest albums, I'm getting the tix tomoro. but if the show's from their old albums, fat chance i'll go then. there's no way to find out, is there? *sigh
tix $65.70!!! really. really. really. want to go.. :(
March is the starting month of this year for entertainment.
that musical is finally arrived. finally.
Premier on 26 March
at Princess Theatre, Spring St.
"Set in New York in the 40's, small-time gambler Nathan Detroit bets his big-time pal Sky Masterson that he can't make the next woman he sees fall in love with him. When the next 'doll' happens to be the neighbourhood missionary Sarah Brown, the stage is set for high-spirited entertainment."
OK honestly? I just know that its a well known musical given the rave reviews. thats about it. don't what its about and exactly how good it is. but i'm still going, no doubt.
as usual, get the tix on wed arvo 1PM for cheap tix! =D shows the same but get a good deal. so why bother going for the night show but spend few extra bucks. HAHA cheapo, you!
tix ranging from $60,$80, $90.
Last but not least,
the one I'm most anxious to see..
tix not sold til feb 18.
shows not til june.
i can wait. ^_^
I wonder whos playing glinda and elphaba for aussie's casts.
thank goodness its on Regent Theatre.
Sebenernya ada satu lagi..
tapi yang bikin jengkel, GAK KE MELB!!
the world stadium tour.
"André Rieu will bring Vienna to his Australian fans by importing a stage that includes a replica of the Castle of Schönbrunn."
keren deh bo! just couldnt understand why he'd go to adelaide, queensland, and SYDNEY but not make an effort to go one state down to melbourne. arghh menyebalkan menyebalkan.
and then, i find this on utube
Andre Rieu - Shostakovich' Second Waltz
mantab jaya boss!
why he didnt take a stopover to melb? a one night show is more than enough. or did i miss it?
its possible. hmm... wish i knew.
you know what, the shows not til november-december late this year and theyre starting to sell the tix! and some of the sessions already overallocated! shock shock shock! the cheapest tix costs about $99 and thats category SIX! entah deh dimana duduknya dan pandangannya keblok berapa kepala manusia dan berapa pilar2 besar.
mahaaaaaaalll. jaaauhhhhhhhh..
mau nontonn!!! :((
ok first thing first.
kerja kerja kerja.
then spend spend spend.
alright. thats a plan.
i'll be dreaming of beautiful melodies tonight.
hmm can't wait to pamper my ears to some good 'ol musicals this year....
wanna tag along?
............... :) :) :)
Labels: media junque , the city
a valentine entry
a very valentine blues is coming.
days before the calendar shows the number 14 on the wall..
the dreary days have just begun.
'i need some distractions
oh beautiful release,
memory slips through my vein.. "
easy, heart.
the thief doesn't know he stole it from me.
fear not, weary heart.
i will not again carelessly lend it to anyone dear.
not even you.
the heart says you...
but this mind still cannot decide.
feelings were unbroken, chance is.
my heart says you,
but yours doesn't coincide with mine.
the riddle about you and i was just another yesterday's talk.
you're my bestest friend, and i am yours.
if only, anything else more..
days before valentine.
i have no red roses,
but a box of bitter chocolates have been sitting nicely next to me..
it's a story not for the faint of heart.
....... and
mr. valentine.
ps: its for you, 'dear' ;)
Labels: Rambling nonsense , tentang seseorang
Narcissism off the chart!
so get this.
Chic magazine published the article "Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang" by sandra karina, which really say about knowing thy coworkers better! one of the two tips the author suggested is knowing their personalities off their personal websites, eg. blog. hff who wouldve thought.
This where the interesting part kicks in.
and I quote "Mereka yang mengisi situs pribadinya dengan tulisan yang sedikit kaku dan terkesan misterius, itu artinya introvert atau terutup. Sedangkan mereka yang extrovert, biasanya suka berbagi pengalaman pribadi lewat isi tulisannya, biasanya tentang cinta dan karier. Bagi mereka yang mengisi situsnya dengan tulisan lucu dan bisa mengocok perut, plus desain situsnya juga berbau kartun dan animasi, biasanya humoris, senang tertawa, dan friendly".
whatever personality you have, including the introverts, narcissistic self is flying off the hook with blogs. You can call it freedom or self-exploitation, your choice.
Hey, guess which one am i? :)
Labels: media junque
Blogging for living
times are changin' ya booo!! i know that blogs are recently high on popularity, but never realized that people do actually make a living out of it. Cerita lama sih, tapi gue baru nyadarnya hari ini aja.
there's this one blog I accidentally found on a local newspaper, called allmenareliars. His blog makes a page of the newspaper's website. Ok, i'm not sure if it's published on the paper copy as well or not, but it's on regular updates on the website.
Then, having read the sidebar of some online newspapers, apparently, lots are doing the blogging thing in their websites!
i shudnt be that surprised sih sebenernya. maksud gue, liat aja bloggers turn pro-writers di Indonesia aja udah banyak. Perlu kasi contoh?
dedengkotnya mungkin si Raditya Dika kali ya. itu loh, si kambing jantan! si penulis blog yang proudly admit his blog won some online-blogging-award thingy few years ago (sebelum doi terkenal dan menulis buku!). Bukunya dia yang laris manis itu ya kembaran si blog-yang-menang-award. ergo, he's blogging for living. well, eventually.
contoh ke dua, miund.
secara gue belom pernah baca buku gokilnya dia, tapi pernah di ceritain dari si temen katanya ya mirip Raditya dika. isi blog tumplek jadi buku. so gue assume, she's bukti no.2 that blogs for a living.
Although for their cases, I know blogging ain't entirely for living, secara mereka punya full time job that consumes most of their day times (prolly nite too?).
Gue gak kenal sam de brito si allmenareliars, tapi maybe he's paid good enuf to make blogging as his main income.
Other classical example, although not exactly real character, is miss carrie bradshaw. I mean, c'mon! Who here don't know her?? You're missin' a very good tv show, my friend. hehehe
For those not in the know, ms carrie bradshaw is one of the characters in sex and the city tv show, who writes for a living. Tulisan2 dia tentang sex dan new york (ie manhattan), kayaknya gak jauh beda dari what people blogs thesedays deh. Although, of course, not everything they blogs are about their sex life! tapi you know, things that happen around them, about them. same thing goes to allmenareliars. he writes whatever on his mind, tentang sesuatu yang menarik yang pernah dia baca, atau tentang pengalaman dia, atau tentang keadaan di sekitar dia.
heck, I write about those things too! again, not sex life.
Mungkin bener ya, blogging nowadays is a free public journalism. There's no laws made for free speech on blogging yet, is there? Crazy how times changed, huh.
people can just write crap, got published on the web (if lucky, on online newspapers), and other people reads them. crazy.
There are easy roads for popularity, and fast.
no no no, i don't mean a shot on playboys, FHM, or Zoo. thats just silly.
All you need is just spare times, computer + internet, and a blog hosting (wordpress,blogger,multiply,etc). oh! and you have to have the interest in writing too! :)
tapi tentu aja, blogging gak cuma menulis. you can do photoblog, or jualan online! some people have done that, you know. but i'm not here to talk about those, its out of topic!
I wonder if these people (sam de brito, carrie bradshaw?, dkk) merasa terbebani dengan blogging karena its their job? you know, like deadlines, writer's block and stuff. Raditya Dika dan Miund mungkin not so much karena, ya tadi, adanya full time job di sisi mereka yang mungkin udah meraup sebagian waktu tapi udah mengisi sebagian bank account mereka.
It's funny to think that just for blogging, you'd get writer's block? while we blog mostly on our leisure times about things that these people blogs about but writer's block free. Although, they prolly have more sophisticated words and phrases we sometimes have no match to.
yet it's better to blog just for the fun side of it.
at my leisure times where no writer's block can pressure me.
do you prefer to blog for a living?
Labels: media junque
all that "fun" Accounting...
I have no idea why am i always drawn to accounting crowds. not since my second year high school I tasted the bitter number jumble of Accounting journals, now i'm outta uni, all i ever get close to getting a job is always.. accountings.
mistakenly took internship at ACCOUNTING firm(!) which bizarrely I survived.
then stuck in a maze of what you called "job-hunting", only to jump into the accounting crowd once again. It's not a job, per se. but a training skill for ACCOUNTING jobs. aint that weird?
Me, who have zilch interest on accounting but surrounded by accountants?
while the rest of the blood and genes are practically breathe the accounting air, I never get the logic of that specific expertise.
yet here i am.
wondering whats AP, AR, debits and credits.
kiddish stuff -- and im blowing my brains out!
OK! bookeeping's out.
any other options on the plate?
Dying, Seriously.
Labels: lifebugs
HOT Tap Water: Big No No!
The claim has the ring of a myth. But environmental scientists say it is real.
The reason is that hot water dissolves contaminants more quickly than cold water, and many pipes in homes contain lead that can leach into water. And lead can damage the brain and nervous system, especially in young children.
Lead is rarely found in source water, but can enter it through corroded plumbing. The Environmental Protection Agency says that older homes are more likely to have lead pipes and fixtures, but that even newer plumbing advertised as “lead-free” can still contain as much as 8 percent lead. A study published in The Journal of Environmental Health in 2002 found that tap water represented 14 to 20 percent of total lead exposure.
Scientists emphasize that the risk is small. But to minimize it, the E.P.A. says cold tap water should always be used for preparing baby formula, cooking and drinking. It also warns that boiling water does not remove lead but can actually increase its concentration. More information is at or (800) 424-5323 (LEAD).
Hot water from the tap should never be used for cooking or drinking.
TU KAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gue benerrr..
and some people still insists drinking hot water from the tap. i wudn't wanna drink COLD water from the tap sometimes, apalagi ini HOT water. okay, gue emang mungkin masih Indonesia banget yang agak parnoan sama minum air TANPA disaring/dimasak dulu. but hey, no harm being cautious. well, my closest aunty and cousin know how picky I am about drinking water. =D
pokoknya! Hot Water from the Tap is NOT Drinkable!
Labels: media junque