P,S I Love You!

P.S I love you the movie is based on a novel with same title by Cecilia Ahern tells a story of a recently widowed Holly Kennedy, a New Yorker born Irish, strive through her mourning phase to become a content independent single woman.

A much loving deceased husband of hers, Gerry (no last name), an Irish born, who was fun-loving upbeat person and very much in love with Holly since the day he met her (back in a club in Ireland). The story don't really tell much about him dying, instead play on time slots to build his character. Present: the beginning scene showed how big the love for his wife, the life they had, at present. Future: Him, or just the idea of him, inside the urn.

Story then move towards Holly, how she cope life after Gerry died. To really kicks in the drama, she of course did not cope it well. (thats the whole idea of the movie!).

Gerry being the know-it-all husband, figured out his loving wife would be devastated with him being gone. Thus, before he died (of brain tumor), 10 letters have been written to set things right for Holly's sake.

The whole point of the letters were "Getcha ass up, Holly! Life goes on, with or without me (Gerry!)".

The thought of finding the next husband cross my mind, but then, it wasnt the whole point of the story. William and Daniel were just cameos - a couple of passers by. This is entirely about Holly and Gerry. How Gerry's love so deep, he wouldn't let Holly feel abandoned even death has taken him. Thus, the vow til death do us part, don't really part of Gerry's schedule.

I don't fell in love instantly for this movie, but I fell in love later on for the whole concept of it. Every woman wants to be Gerry's wife.

The genre falls into one of the romantic-comedies. I feel the comedy, but leaning more towards the dramatic sessions. P.S I Love you is much of the ladies must-see. It's a good movie for a saturday night. If you're not of those cold-hearted chicas, prepare some tissues. else, you're just being foolish to constantly fixing your glasses while in fact trying to wipe the tears from your eyes!! *LOL*

Last but not least,
I'd say, it's good to be Holly. i mean, c'mon, just look at all of the men in Holly's life?!? She get Gerard Butler to be the husband, Harry Connick Jr playing the best-friend, and JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as the next in line, maybe? These men may be older, but their looks say the opposite. Man, this is so Hollywood!

I recommend this for the ladies only. For the lads, uhm.. just be there for your partner. make her feel good as Gerry did to Holly. ;-)


miss d 11:08 PM  

hua g pengen ini kapan adanya di indo ya? bakal ada gak ya? yg 2 days in paris g pengen nonton pas di jiffest tapi ga dapet gitu de..

about travelling, g jg pengen banget tapi mostly itu karena g pengen lari aja..

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