POWER... errrr, Rangers?

the word. the meaning.

accentuates the gravity of a person who actually embraces it, isn't it?
'tis lay in a name. Your name embeds the power you have within society. What's in a name?
IF you're Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey, or rather regular call-out Mr. Zac Efron. Everyone would instantly set aside exclusive table at, I dunno, KOI maybe.

The question, "Why would YOU ..... (fill in the blanks)?"

Why? Because I'm Donald Trump.
This here shows how much power your name have.
And believe me, your offsprings gain some benefits off of it too.

What's in a name?
It holds power.
It identify us among others, thats a given.

figures why parents are so fuss on naming their newborns.
It's in a name that holds memory in people's mind for generations to come.

The feeling of narcissim of self, also supported by the amount of power spread widely, can be acknowledged through googling self-name. A self-acknowledgement to the world via strings of web, online. A different kind of popularity game, baby. also shows power.

How most people yearn to have extreme power all to themselves. It could eat you alive, maybe. who knows?

I guess, every person alive would want to have power on their hand. you know, just a teensy bit??

Ain't it cool to say your name, say "Hi, I'm Oprah".
and those rough paths ahead just clear-away in a blink of an eye.

I dunno, just think it's very cool how your name represents you.
like this one kid say on Gossip Girl, Why? 'Cause I'm Chuck Bass.

It's in the name, baby. All is.


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
