Let me sleep For when I sleep I dream that you are here You're mine And all my fears are left behind I float on air The nightingale sings gentle lullabys So let me close my eyes
And sleep Per chance to dream So I can see the face I long to touch To kiss But only dreams can bring me this So let the moon Shine softly on the boy I long to see And maybe when he dreams He'll dream of me
I'll hide beneath the clouds And whisper to the evening stars They tell me love is just a dream away Dream away I'll dream away
So let the moon Shine softly on the boy I long to see And maybe when he dreams He'll dream of me
Thanks to J.Blunt.. I Quote "I Saw Your Face In A Crowded Place. I Don't Know What To Do. Cos I'll Never Be With You"
Bangun tidur udah berjam2 lalu. Tetep aja masih gelisah gundah gulana gak jelas. Eeh! pake ditambah si iPod bikin hati menyenye sama playlist sleep biadab itu. iya iya, lagu2 itu enak untuk nina-bobo. Tapi disaat begini.. weather diluar pun mendukung. James berlantun you're beautiful... Ugh! ngena banget!
berlanjut dgn Glenn. yak! Checkmate! Itee.
ternyata bener ya. they (Ai No Uta) can easily annoyed your moods. at one time, you'd feel overjoyed. at another, you'd feel agitated. then it came, the worst of all.. that thing. the warm and fuzzy feeling. Kuso.
Berawal dari J-Blunt. berlanjut ke G-Fredly. ditutup dengan E-McCain.
after all the massive fuss over the golden globe... spent more than couple hours sat at nova on thursday arvo after work. Iye, niat! but heck, its movie of the year kan? so a must see indeedy!
one thing for sure when watching babel is to keep your ears and eyes open! dont blink more than a sec or you'll miss every single important bit of the scene. Oh! and you prolly want to know the story behind the word "Babel" before seeing the movie. Luckily I was told beforehand.
satu yang gue langsung captured while watching. Stereotypes. Yes, you read it right. Although everyone kept saying its about today's world. but one thing for sure, the way the situations potrayed are through stereotyping of race, religion, status.
Cinematografi - Kereeeeeeenn! specially the Japanese scene in a club. hingar bingar then dead mute lalu hingar bingar lalu ber-september lagi. Also when the Jap girl saw the dude kissing her mate. Lampu club yang gemerlap terputus2 seakan2 nunjukin scene itu tragis banget di mata si Jap girl. Handal!
tapi jujur aja, gw juga jadi sedih.. ngeliat gimana islam community dianggepnya teroris smua. kesalahan yang bisa dianggep "wajar" di dunia "barat" (i.e. peluru nyasar = accident) dianggep terorism act kalo happened di negara Islam.
oh! another thing.. the mexican immigration thingo really bugs me. and read a review, it says babel also showed how the bush's immigration policy. whats that about?!
although, yes, flaws do exist. like, the mexican women lived in the US for 16 years but why she cant just explain clearly about the kids whereabouts when they were at the desert? why brad cant just take the wifey to hospital by bus which was said earlier that it only take about 4 hours trip rather than waiting for days for a chopper?
and the whole japanese story thing really vague. does it try to bring up some sorta Japanese stereotype? but what? we know about race, religion, status stereotypes from the mexican and morroccan stories. How Japan add up to this whole story?
babel has alot of layers. suddenly i remember shrek. he once said, he's just like onions. Onions have layers. hmph.. and so is this movie.
dimulai dari konsep, cinematografi, castings, babel is unique. no wonder it's easily get a hold of that golden globes. we'll just see how will Oscar handle babel.
apa iya ini beneran? apa iya serius? tapi kok jadi ter-giggle2 gak jelas bgini? fase2 abege itu udah kadaluarsa. tapi mentalitas kayaknya masih balita.
mo gila rasanya!
si hitam kriwil mengganggu pikiran! si teman pernah menyebut kata "more approacheable". Apalah itu artinya.
tapi tanpa sadar, kata itu terngiang2 gak brenti di pikiran. ditambah dengan si hitam kriwil.. you do the math! *grin
pff sperti orang bodoh tersenyum2 gila tanpa alasan.
Lead singer keris patih once said Preman aja bisa jatuh cinta. Putus cinta juga gak bisa di hindari kan? lucu.. dilihat dari mata orang lain. pedih. kalo dirasakan kita sendiri. hmph! tidur pun sulit. ^_^
bukan..! bukan aku yang putus cinta. aku, si orang lain itu. aku, yg tidak tau apa2 itu. Toh cuma bisa comfort dan support aja. same ol' same ol'
ah sudahlah. mati satu tumbuh seribu. eh? gak bisa ya? *grin
biar aja. learn from experiences. siapa juga saya? dont have any say on this, spertinya?
biar deh.
si eneng ini nanya apa blog gue pindah. gak ada isinya dari mid december. well, dun feel like writing much. mind seems so dull, jadinya males mo nulis. life's pretty much flat. jadi yah.. pretty much insignificant.
oh ya! Selamat Tahun Baru 2007. hm.. jadi lupa nge-rekap perjalanan 2006 gue. sperti yg taun lalu biasa saya tulis. gak banyak yg penting happening di taun kmaren. malah taun skarang di hadapkan sama enormous uncertainties. *sigh
udah ah. i'm enjoying whats happening now. nantinya? masih terlalu vague untuk dijadiin realitas. biar aja jadi penghias background daily life gue. untuk sekarang, udah cukup. ^_^
psst, mau tau gak? si lelaki mata sipit ini awalnya gue despise banget! HAHA knapa? karena keren juga nggak, tapi mampus jaya terkenalnya! intinya? gak rela aja doi terkenal. BHUAHAHA tapi oh tapi.. si lelaki mata sipit ini potong rambut. oh mamaaa! *drools ditambah lagi sunnies D&G nya itu! *oh MaMaaa!!
the boy can sure dance. althou not much of a JT, tapi malah kayak Agnes Monica? tapi tapi, he has the bod for any lassies wud wanna strip him naked! HAHAHA here's his new do.
Ah! beginilah cerita si anak pengangguran. hari-hari keisi cuma ama streaming. mata nempel lengket ke winamp, gak bergerak. sakit jiwa.
*sigh you know what? i better start to realize that 'tis aint a summer break. well, if it is.. it'll be an endless summer break.
i'm done. it's all done. it's all up to me to move on. it'd be great if the path is easily visible. ya ya. asking too much.