
SATU: saya baru nyadar kalo tugas brand audit gak segampang iprit yang dibayangkan. uanying! paper yang udah dikumpulin di balikin lagi.. karena oh karena.. gak sesuai ama yang di harapkan si ibu lecturer. halahh.. mati akuu!

DUA: mesti bikin survey buat the damn paper thing. alamakjikipe where can i get respondents with age group 30-50 y.o, married and/or have family, technology enthusiasts, dan tinggal di ostrali!! oeeh.. gini nih sok pinter milih2 topik yang sok keren. kelabakan sndiri!

TIGA: AKU TIDAK DITERIMA KERJA (see earlier posting). hohoho.. cah edan! gak diterima kerja kok ya seneng. so stupid ay. on monday, i was nervous everytime there's a beep from mobile. afraid that it'll be from that company. lol mbodo!

yeah thats the only updates for now.

ugghh piye iki tugasku yaaaa..
hm, must go library to get the text so can figure out what to do next.
so lazy ah. but good weather.. just go?


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
