campur sari

September 10th.
The beginning of my ADSL bill period. So midnite last night was a celebration.
FINALLY no more 64 kbps speed ever again!
well, intinya sih.. i can watch K-Dramas live streaming! LOL

me and my 2 close mates having the same .... umhh, craving. yeah, put it that way.
beginilah yang dia beberkan ke dunia,

tiba-tiba aja saya kangen.....banyak hal:
ngerasain punya gebetan a.k.a cowo yang disukai a.k.a bisa bikin deg-degan, hihihihi


I'm waiting for the sza sza zsu.

:::::::: mak! what about my request eh? bisa dilaksanakan tidak? hohoho ;))

talking nonsense.

ps: have another interview. different company. it's a casual job thing. not related to my course. but shud be good money. hopefully will nail the interview. need the cash and shifts. wish me luck


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
