Offline for approx 3 months. Wheeee!!

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Not entirely true, bags are not yet packed properly. Still have some things to buy tomoz and jammed all 'em into the bag. hopefully theyll fit. I hate packing. I hate calling taxi at night. I hate the rush, the anxiety, the worries. I hate to always go back and forth here and there. I hate flying, I hate travelling, I hate the fact that I have to sit for long hours just to get to destination. I hate that I have to hate these.

I've never leave town for more than a month and a half. Deep down I guess I'm quite nervous and 'lil bit terrified. I guess I just worried too much. It should be great, shudnt it? Maybe just don't think too much. Hookay.

I just cleared up all the food storage inside the house. All of em.. gone! if not in you go trash, in you go giveaway bags. Cos all electricities, gas, water, phones, etc will be off for the next 3 months. Thus I need to clean up everything so that when I get back, there'll be no rust or fungus all over my house. I can't understand why I'm dead sleepy these past two days. I'm always sleepy at this hour, which is very bizarre since I don't have any assignments or uni stuff to worried about. Usually I only feel dead sleepy when I'm studying, but hellooo... I'm not! what the hell?!

Gotta go. The massive house cleaning is not yet ended. blargh.

but starting 2 days from now...
I'm gonna be on holiday.. Wheeeeeeeee!!! Hiatus mode is ON baby!!!

Maunday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Tuesday 15 november 2005.. I'll be leaving. To a place that I don't know what I'm gonna be or what could I do. It's not foreign but sometimes it feels strange. I get the feeling, it'll be good this year.. but I dont know. What if... things happen? I always have plans on getting things straight, each and every hols I went through. But nothing is changing.. I'm too chicken shit to even spoke out ma mind. Honestly, I'm terrified. Hopefully, I can do better this hols and things just out in the open. Andd... out the bitches they go! hurrah!

I'm gonna miss having a speedy Internet connection when I get there. Internet is... almost a luxury item there. It's not something as 'cool' as having the latest gadgety mobile phones. Dunno which is more important in life, mobile phones or Internet? Maybe neither? That's an option too.. For no geeks. LoL I've been spending almost 24/7 online than offline. My life pretty much living on the cyber space. Not exactly socializing either but too caught up with ma own mischieves. Life's pretty much dull when you live it like this, you know. That's why I'm leaving. Leaving to have some solitude and restless tension with all the 'dullness' of life. Enter, dramas and raggety tragedy. So very days of our lives!

I don't think I'll miss much of the cyber space. I had enough of staring at monitor for hours and hours til my eyes sore. I think I'll catch on other monitors, i.e. TV! Ha! same diff! I will have my holiday and I will relax, chill and having fun day and night. I'm too much of a bitch to even give a god damn crap about anything else. I will only caught up with dramas when they only appear on Mr. TiVo. I ain't gonna give a rat's ass about real dramas. Theyre bitches and I kill bitches. I'm scary when necessary. (hey it rhymes! *idiot!*)

Okay Okay so youre a bitch. We know, you know, everyone knows ( i guess). what now?

Now, I'm gonna off to bed and tomoz if I have time I'll post about two movies I watched yesterday and today, flight plan and corpse bride. heads up: both suck fest 2005!! So dissapointed with Johnny Depp. Whats with you Johnny!!

Im beat. Off now. Ciao bella.

Choke me! Demon has come knocking on heaven's door.

my GOD! only idiots who wud wanna read all these regulation and condition terms!! sadly, I'm that idiot! Blargh (in my defense, i'm an idiot by pressure.)

I mean they were made just to be made, not to be read! theyre useful to just-in-case situation. but bloody hell it's too much!!!

"a friend in need is a friend indeed. a friend with weed is better."
Ha! gak nyambung. mampus.


Oh I miss youu..
You whose name I prefer not to recall.
You whom I foolishly bashed since that day you said 'hello'.
You faraway yoU.K You!
You! A thousand times You.
Pride, Pride, Pride.
Apologize is never enough. But I AM sorry.
have the very best life, You.
I miss You so. Do You know?
Where are You? Where have You gone?
Foolish me. I did not feel the love. You.
Dearest.. You.

Miss You..

I know I've stayed in Aussie for quite long time, 4 years is reasonable amount of time to miss all's that familiar to you. It never hit me this hard that I'd miss everything back home. Yes, I've lived for quite a while away from Indo and still cant call this place 'home'. Instead, every holiday I kept asking myself, "will I buy a ticket home?". Gak pernah nyangka kalo gue bakalan kangen semuanya, dari baik sampe nistanya keadaan Indo gue.. terlebih lagi di bulan ini. Di bulan Ramadhan gue gak ngerasa seperti ngalamin bulan Ramadhan. Gue terlalu caught up ama kehidupan duniawi gue. Yeah apalagi kalo bukan kuliah" biadab itu. I've tried to hid it, even to deny it. tapi yah.. denial denial denial terus. Capek.

Tabuh berbunyi gemparkan alam sunyi
Berkumandang suara adzan
Mendayu memecah sepi
Selang seli sahutan ayam

Know the lyric? It's nasyid by Raihan. Amazing huh that I'm listening Raihan. Dengerin Raihan gue langsung keinget smua kegiatan" Ramadhan di Indo. Dari keramaian Subuh sampe Maghrib. Dari acara" sinetron yang Oh-So-Lame sampai acara ceramah" Rohani di waktu Subuh & menjelang Maghrib. Keramaian Ramadhan yang dimana gak hanya segelintir orang tapi semuanya menjalani ibadah puasa yang bikin suasananya ngena banget. Ah, gue aja kali yang lagi melloww.. ato gue sebenernya udah muak ama this oh-so-boring city? Mbuh lah.

Kayaknya sih gue lagi ngalamin apa yang Joey alamin. Everyone's moving on dan gue disini nge-deny everything that goes forward. Kalo gue pengecut, gue bakalan lari (lagi). Kalo gue udah dewasa dan wiser, gue bakalan cope and moving on juga. I'll need every strength I can get to pursue the latter. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.

1/4 Undone

Is it presumptious of me to feel relieved at this point?

I have done approx 7700 words in about one week (?!), pretty much strained eyes but surprisingly more than enough sleep hours(!). Ah, the wonderful life of uni student. Nothing to compare.
Today's update: I bought $3.50 folder and 50c stamp for my assignment. Well, there is a rule that if you want the final assignments to be handed back, students must provide envelope and stamp. The $3 folder was just addition since I submit late so the folder is to "bribe" for extra marks (hehe kali aja for presentation dapet more marks =p). Stupid me, I bought all of those, but when I popped the bloody papers in the submission box, I totally forgot to put the stamp on the envelope. Garrgg.. not only now I don't get to see the mark and feedback from the lecturer, but I also don't get the $3.50 folder back! Dammit. * i know i'm stingy, so shush!*

Theres only 1 more assignment, 2500 words about sales strategy. Garsh I tot this one wud be my life saver, but NOooo! John had to give us the unthinkable! Je deviens fou !! Okay, the assignment is about developing sales strategy for swinburne university with target market Indonesian students. I have to assess swinburne internal sales operations, Indonesian purchase behavior analysis, and one competitor analysis ( I think I'll choose Monash cos theres a friend used to work there, hopefully she'll help *fingers cross*).

Oh well, I shud start research like, right now(?) but hey, ngeblog ampe goblog dulu aja gituh! =D

Off the topic, I (again) have the craze about ... yes ... none other than ... the fleshy sin city full of rich kiddies with their hunky dudes and stringy G's chicas ... the orange county. Californiaaaa.. here we come LoL Cannot help it okay. I know that TV series is sooo lame but I found it amusing. I love seth's sarcasm. I love the laid-back environment (i mean the beach, the sun, the fashion, the clothes *or lack thereof*), I love the houses (man each and every house can fit 1 kelurahan!!), I love the love stories (yes yes, as i said, I'm such a girly girl!).

I cannot wait for the third season to premier. It already started in the US and they now airing until episode 5. Im bit worried that it'll air in Aussie this summer. Aarrgghh Nooo! I wont be here during summer. =( So curious about whatll happen to marissa after she shot trey.

Hey do u notice that all casts are mostly.. err, old. I mean, older than the characters theyre playing in OC. They just dont go for 16!! I mean, theyre 20ish something (and alot more something okay!). Mischa barton is the youngest one and shes not even 16 y.o! Oh well theyre only teen idol once. No need to fuss on how old they really are.

Okay2. better start research. Im off.

hip hip hurrahh!

I. AM. ONE. Year. Old.
I have been updated for 206 postings and several minty pictures. Have some mild Ups and low Downs. Intense, good and bad. Yay! A year old ME. =)

Series of unfortunate events:

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
