Lucu banget, sekaligus upsetting and
marah Ketika gue tiap hari dipaparkan dengan issue yg sama terus menerus. Nggak ngerti maxut gue apa?
Yg gue maxutkan itu ttg legal matter in regards to drugs smuggling. Worst of all.. this time involves foreign interference. Iya, siapa lagi sih 'queen of the news' thesedays.. the so-called-beauty of queensland student,
schapelle corby. Dia adalah seorang Australian yang JELAS-JELAS menyelundupkan sejumlah ganja (drugs, weed, smoke, joint, apalah itu nama2nya. Aku bukan penyelundup dan pemakai. jadi silakan terjemahkan kata itu ke kamus2 kalian sendiri). Dan jumlah yang dia bawa itu nggak lah sedikit. Look hokay, gue gak akan bilang gue pintar, expert dan one of the in-the-know person with these all legal issues. Tapi ya kalo mau bawa barang terlarang mbok ya pake otak dikit gitu loh mbak! Makanya yg diurus tuh jangan muke doank, urus dulu segenggam bagian dari brain kamu itu. Gak pernah nonton film amerika ya? Dengan segala macam tips and hints they have given us on most movies how to smuggle barang terlarang ke tempat2 yang kamu inginkan. (melenceng sdikit, wah amrik shud bikin film spt itu ya. Action movie nya dari 'how to lose a guy in 10 days'. But this time 'how to smuggle marijuana in 10 seconds'. Should be a "FUN" movie, don't you think?!) Oh well.
Mbakyu.. Mbakyu.. Kamu itu sangatlah cantik(kata orang2). But it seems braindamage has caused catastrophic end for your beauty heh! pitty..
Kenapa gue tiba2 concerns with any of this issue. While normally I never give a damn about any of this merely I don't really like media. They're fun for a while, but overtime.. they're always playing with your emotion. And I really hate when I got so emotional for things that don't directly relates to me. Anyhoo, alesan gue menulis semua ini becos menurut gue Aussies adalah sekumpulan masyarakat yang tidak mengerti akan arti
ikhlas dan
tidak mengharapkan balas budi. On the day when they senteced Corby for 20 years imprisonment, semua orang went ballistic. The so-called symphaty mulai bermunculan. Hellooo, she's convicted guilty dan obviously the marijuana was at her bag. HUGE chunk of it! Nenek2 buta juga tau kalo dia bersalah. They thought that 20 years in jail was considered harsh. Well, people.. just considered her lucky for not got caught at Malaysia. Cos from what I heard, if they find you guilty there.. Ergo,
Mum and Dad here's her head! (maaf sangat kasar). Lagipula, apa kalian kenal dengan corby ini? Uh-Oh, NO! Kalian tidak pernah dengar nama dia until these "media" people shown it to you people through the beauty of a small display called television. Voila. You suddenly familiar with the corby clan and Miss. schapelle corby herself. You considered her to be part of your family. Why? because she's Australian? Well, applause to you if you'd think that. Rasa nasionalis kalian memang tinggi. Tapi tolong donk, pikir dulu yang rasional. Kalian hanya termakan oleh apa yg diberitakan oleh2 sekumpulan media.
YANG sepertinya terlalu berada di pihak corby. Dengan menutup sebelah mata, bagi mereka, indo lah yg tidak becus dan tidak tau budi sedangkan
our corby is always this innocent young lady from queensland, a regular citizen of Australia. Oh get over your perfect world! From my point of view, Not one of you trully know who she really is. None. Except for her friends and family. So wake up from your dream on the la-la land, and snap out of it. Think clearly and rationally, please.
Before you decide right or wrong, think of it this way.. What if the situation was in reverse? Let say, this time the person who was found smuggling drugs wasn't Australian, but instead an Indonesian and the location was also in reverse. Consider only these two things changed, Nationality and Location, while other conditions were the same.
She,Indonesian, was caught tryin' get this marijuana into Australia. What would the feds do? What would you, as Australians, react? What would we, as Indonesians, react?
With all do respect, I'm almost certain that Aussies will definitely take the plunge for the convicted suspect (whether she's convicted) to just go 'to hell' and be done with it. AND always put the justice on board. Am I right? But would the
Indonesian get the same consideration as you would want for corby? I would say no. I can almost blurt out loud that we're the black sheep in this situation. Put the blame onto us.
Hm, some of the answers could be very judgemental of me. But whoever read this thread is Aussies, Do ask the question in your mind. What if the situation was in reverse, as laid out above.
The result of this corby case, (and this is the reason why I said the case is funny in a weird way)
To get you the idea, read this part of the news taken from
here"When Indonesia was struck by the tsunami, Australia gave aid," Mr Jeffers said."Nine Australians gave the ultimate, their lives, in a helicopter crash on the island helping Indonesians."We'll continue to fight until an innocent girl is set free to live and enjoy her life." Pertama yang akan gue lakukan adalah... *Sigh* Astaghfirullah...
Untuk beberapa saat gue gak bisa berkata apa2 lagi. Jadi, semua "bantuan" yang kalian beri ini adalah semacam "sogokan" untuk kalian para Australians bebas melakukan apa saja di negara Indo ini? Kalian meminta balas budi setelah semua yg sudah terjadi? Sekali lagi... Astaghfirullah... Aku cuma bisa narik napas dan bersabar. Marah? Tentu. Sangat.
Seorang teman pernah bercerita, dia bisa dengan sangat bebas mengutarakan maksud dan pemikiran dia tentang
human rights di negara Kangguru ini. Sekarang aku tanya begini, all those 'funds' that you have given to those tsunami victims want to be 'refund' into each of your pockets? Oh dear sir/madam, sangat tidak ikhlas lah jiwa kalian. Tidak konsisten lah kalian dengan segala macam teriakan humanity yg keluar dari mulut kalian. Right Now, I can honestly say, How inhumane your own attitude is. Silakan mengaca, akan Aku berikan cerminku ini untukmu.
Aku jadi bertanya, apa kalian udah memikirkan akan hal seperti ini ketika kalian menyisihkan "sebagian" isi dompet kalian. Berpikir, Oh they will owe us this much. They shud be very thankful to us and they shud this and that and so on and so on. YES, we are
VERY thankful indeed. Trully we are. But excuse-moi dear sir and madam,
WE DON'T ACCEPT YOUR REFUND POLICY!One more thing, Your so-called human rights. Please, check your rationale again when you blurt things out. Thank you.
* I'm really sorry if it's very offensive to some people. But I'm not sorry for expressing my own thoughts on my own anonymous and unknown webpage. Just remember this: I never found you, You found me.