Hello Yellow Julio?

I meant, Hello July! But Julio rhymes more with yellow. not that it matters.

HELLO !!!!

Seems ages ago I've blogged here! Jakarta made me numb. I had nothing to write and can't be bothered to even think a topic. Not even my very own daily journal.

Twitter also the main reason for this hiatus.
Apparently, 140 characters is enough for my rants. Kind of makes your brain dumb for a bit since it's been idling for few months.

What's happening in my side of town?

Well... I've nailed a job I wanted. It's been going for 5 months now and I enjoyed every bits of it! The bickering, the craziness, the learning, the knowledge, the training, the excitement. Yeah, all that jazz. This is my training ground, my stepping stone. So I have to make the most of it before I could leap elsewhere.

The office only have about 20 staff, including the big boss to office boy. Quite small office when compared with my previous company. Having small environment as this could have its good and bad.

Good thing, we know each other quite well. Even me as newbie, I sort of know each personality of people at work.
This however leads to the bad.

Some staff at work seems to have rot in that boring job but too lazy to or couldn't getaway from it. Hence the work they should be doing isn't 100 percent.

The Job desk seems to overlap from one person to another.

For example, what just happened today and frustrates me to infinity was today when a senior staff told me to do HER JOB, which is not part of my job description and is not part of my department.

There's also a marketing officer.
Whom I don't think he has the SOUL to be a marketer. I've been surrounded by real marketers for years, and I don't think he even qualify to be one. From my observation, he's too introvert to be a marketer and too slow. But the big boss seems to have a very fond feeling towards him considering she kept praising him during my interview.

I often feel impatient when seeing him. When did you ever see a marketer only sits his huge butt in his office all day? Marketer should be out and about! Mingle with clients and fishing customers for sales.

I'm eyeing for his job, but after much thought... If I do ever get his job description it wouldn't be at this office!

As I said, the place is my training ground but it wouldn't be my bread and butter.
Surprisingly, in my position, there's someone who've been there for almost 10 years! Shocking.

I'm still tiptoeing at this job, but so far I've no major complaints.

I'm still eyeing for Melbourne. Hopefully, someday, this job will take me there.. :)

For now,
I'm good.


About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
