mourning month

Innalillahi Wa inna illahi Raji'un

Maybe it's God's will. It IS God's will.
Yet I kept thinking "Why?"

Seminggu ini orang-orang terdekat gue terima berita duka.

Seminggu lalu, hari minggu pagi, salah satu sahabat gue harus melepaskan ayahnya.
Eyang putri gue meninggalkan kita semua selama-lamanya, 2 hari kemudian.
Jumat lalu, Ayahnya seorang sahabat terdekat tante gue (yang udah seperti keluarga juga), juga menghebuskan nafasnya terakhir kali.
Semalam, Ayah kakak ipar gue meninggalkan kita selama-lamanya.

semua ini terjadi dalam seminggu.
Maybe God has a plan.

One thing I couldn't comprehend, the last time I met eyang putri was 4 days before her passing. We usually don't meet up aside from family gatherings, however, this time we met under unsual coincidence. On a sale day at Metro! how surprising that was. The last time I met her, we shared hugs and kisses. Unknowingly, that was for the last time. Maybe God has planned that randeszvous for us to be parted the last time.

Temen gue bilang, gak usah sugesti-sugestian. Can't help but wonder though... What is it with the month February and March 2009? Was there a meaning behind this mourning month?


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