Fun saturday!

Loc: Museum Bank Indonesia, Kota Toea
25 October 2008.

I'm listening to Hamish and Andy podcast.
I miss them! and Rove too :(

EX Factor


oh dear.

Jakarta tidak bermoral!

Tolong ya untuk mobil toyota kijang dengan plat nomer B 8455 KF moralnya dijaga sedikit.
Hari rabu kemarin tgl 22 Oktober skitar jam 7 pagi di depan mobil gue ada si mobil 8455 ini. Dengan stiker PT ASURANSI BHAKTI BHAYANGKARA, si supir yang entah perempuan entah laki di lampu merah penjara cipinang dengan tidak berdosa melempar sampah dari jendela mobil ke pelataran taman pembatas jalan disebelahnya.

buang sampah sembarangan udah mendarah daging di culture seorang Indonesia. TAPI ditaro mana moral humanitarian respect Indonesia jaman sekarang ini?

si bapak supir PT ASURANSI ini, MEMBUANG SAMPAH pas di DEPAN kakek tua pembersih jalanan! Punya moral dikit dong, PAK! si kakek udah bantuin elo bersihin jalan, tangan elo itu gak usah kluar2 dan membuang sampah sembarangan dengan tanpa dosa gitu dong!


Bapak gajinya berapa sih sebulan dari PT Asuransi bapak itu?
Gak usah sombong Pak. Harta gak digendong ampe mati kok, PAK!

the controversy

the one thing I've been so cynical about when referring to Jakarta.
the one thing I'm not really so proud of about Jakarta. (note on Jakarta, and not Indonesia!)
the one thing I'm eager to avoid when planning my whole weekend.

this one little thing, so sudden becomes a part of my daily life.
oh the irony.

I've bluntly say to many that Jakarta's full of Malls.
The capitalism overbearing.
and look at where I'm now during most of the days?

How karma can make you eat your own words, dear.

Now I'm obliged to become the typical Jakarta teens. Hopping from mall to mall.
not just weekend! weekdays are also urged to do so.
How contradicting to my own principle!
becoming "Anak Mall" that is.

Oh my forehead...
I'm sorry for having this tag stuck on you.


things just bundled up in my head. tangled and twisted.
there were times when no quitting was part of the mindset.
but the urge is left behind on the dock out the pacific.

"get out. leave. it's the end of you and me..."

I know what happened last two weeks!

what my coolest baby can do!

More here.

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
