psycho you, siko!

hands up who've had a psychotest?

i'm thinking it's slightly different from psychometric test.
Psychotest (or psikotes) is more cumbersome and waste time.

200ish questions on personality test. Shoot me.

the math is alright. not as dreadful as the psychometric type I had for banking MT test. The latter is the devil's work, I tell ya.

BUT! the final psychotest is the most interesting one.

It's mostly drawing.

first page, drew a person, people.
2nd page, make a picture from whatever lines printed on each of the 6 boxes.
3d page is writing about yourself, with every sentence starts with the word I.

What interesting was the drawing.

I'm terrible at drawing. seriously. I have a two year old's skill in terms of drawing.

So, when they told me to draw a person. I drew people! Ha!
it's not a drawing, per se. It's more like... stick people. don't even resemble human being. *sad

and for the 2nd page.
I didn't really know what to draw with only a dot, or a small line, or 2 opposite lines inside a box.

Without further thinking, I drew:
1. smiley face
2. kid up on a tree, took fruits, and give 'em to the kid on the ground. And title this: Sharing.
while you can perceive it as "stealing". LOLs
3. basketball ring with kids play 2 on 2 (dont ask). again with stick people!
4. an arrow pointing to a door with CEO label on it. HAHAHA (get it?)
5. a computer (i've run out of ideas)
6. air balloon

After they're all done I'm surprised at myself.
Ternyata I can draw!! LOL

So, what u think of my answers?
a definite brill score for psycho-test or a psycho?


Anonymous 2:29 PM  

hahahaha..udah test tooohhh...
bener seperti yang gue bilang pan?
i think you're okay (alah, blagu lu dir. emangnya lo psikolog? hihihi)

wish you a good luck deh mak pokonya!!!

miss d 11:46 PM  

mwahaha kayaknya loe lumayan kreatif deh ndin haha bisa ide gambar lucu2 gitu biarpun stick ppl kayak stickgal gitu ya?

dulu pas SMP pernah dikasih bocoran ma gurunya kalo gambar orang mesti keliatan tangan di depan. kira2 gitu deh. lupa artinya apa tapi yg pasti itu yg jadi plus point.

schizilly 11:55 PM  

i drew hands, fingers clearly. as clearly as chubby fingers can be! hahaha.. imagine, stick people with chubby fingers.
go figure


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