me: is picking her nose and thinking laterally?

hahahaha kombinasinya yang.. gogon pisan!

ampir jam 3 pagi.
seminggu yang udah di expected bakalan hectic berat dengan kegiatan2 baru dan menegangkan..
eng ing engg..
tetep relax seperti minggu-minggu lalu.

theres one part feeling anxious.
another is chillin'.

he said 'to think laterally and he's happy with that'.
by giving 3 days off while the first couple of days are filled with 2 hours reading and folding envelopes, is there need for anxiety?

he don't want to spoon-fed but to let the kid go and think outside the box.
some say, guidance is needed at first.
the big guy expecting the opposite.

at this time of day the brain starts to get chaotic.
not thinking laterally, but creating scenarios of the worst kinds.
the 'what ifs' are piling up.

sixteen hundred is some amount. can good reference come from short days and excessive day-offs? or thinking laterally???? hahaha the word again. what comes around goes around and around and around and around.......... running in circles, are we?

What do you want, exactly????????

and don't you dare say lateral thinking.


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