Integritas band.

Mind you, this just another rambling n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e

The success of a band depends on their integrity to music,
Or.. their frontman?

"Life sucks, Rock'n Roll yeah!"
Or.. Life's good, Frontman cute?

A famous band vocalist once said that at first these adoring fans are intoxicated with them music. Time passes by, more screaming fans come to realized that talents are not on their agenda. Instead, the so-called gorgeous frontman is to become the savior for the band. They thus rose as the most favored band ever since. Danke to frontman, whom taken for granted as the gorgeous frontman(?!?!) Blindfolded, I cudnt agree more.

However this doesn't stroke me much. The existence of band starts with a glimpse of the frontman. Logically, he'll be the one who sing to audience. Especially if the band consists of all males. Ladies wud wanna scream at good-lookin dude, arent we ladies? But not to worry, an ordinary dude with a mike and Am-in-a-band attitude wud surely catch these ladies eyes. The word in-a-band certainly is the trick. A very ordinary male species wud become the most gorgeous man alive when he's in a band AND he's the frontman. Believe you me, I have the proof. No offense OK! ;)

Ma personal opinion, I dislike the frontman but I'm startin' to like them music. V. Catchy tunes.


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