
Okay, what is wrong with me?
Why do I have this anger inside me?
My stomach rumbles and spins as a washing machine. (bad analogy, i know)
I'm angry to who?
Why do they always have to be the target?
I'm not angry to them. But why I cant control it?
Should I say sorry? Or, should I kept silence?
Do I need anger management?
What is happening to me?

is it all relates to one single matter that bothers me since yesterday?
The idea of a gathering?

I really am disturbed.
In a minor portion of the illness, I spose...

Personal Psychological Test

This is me, apparently.

Anda orang yang suka menyimpan segalanya untuk diri sendiri. Anda agak pemilih soal teman dan hanya berteman dengan mereka yang selevel dengan anda. Apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup anda cuma setengah terpenuhi. Anda lemah dalam hidup ini dan cenderung rapuh. Anda punya banyak teman baik. Hubungan terakhir anda tidak baik dan tidak anda ingat dalam memori. Ketika pasangan anda di dekat anda, anda akan berada di dekat dia terus. Bahkan ketika pasangan anda tidak ada, anda masih memikirkan dia dan akan tetap setia padanya, tidak melirik yang lain.Ego anda tinggi. Anda adalah orang yang rendah hati. Ikatan anda dengan teman-teman tidak begitu kuat alias sedang-sedang saja. Anda hanya setengah suka/cinta pasangan anda. Pasangan anda type rumahan dan orang yang sederhana. Anda akan mencari pasangan anda kapanpun anda mendapatkan masalah.

partial true, partial dont know.
interesting enuf to read it out loud thou..

Romantic Comedy

When do they ever created the term romantic comedy?
Is romance a comedy?
Comedy is romance all at once?

Hey, Why do I even bother to mention romance in most of my postings?
Does it really affect One person's life?
And by One, I meant me (",)

But another hey, this comes from a person who doesn't know about any
of those sentimentalism.
So, is it just another entry of a fantasy Or a desire?
A peculiar desire.

Does romance includes a fantasy?
Or is it merely a fairytale?

All the giggles, smiles, laughs.. you know, the dramas.
It's all a little bit funny
a happiness slides within.

And that!
worth every beat of a heart could take.
A little fairytale won't hurt wud it?
Just don't take it too far.

I enjoy the giggles,
fancy the smiles,
Once more..
I love the fantasies - the fairytales -

A quote taken from a friend,
- Simplicity is the key -
And true,
It is the simple things that counts.
That stuck with you forever.
There you go, You've found the beauty.

Ah, funny ramblings.
If anyone understood all the things i've said.
So let the fool be welcomed into the club (",)


Cigars in the summertime under the sky by the light
I can feel you read my mind
I can see it in your eyes under the moon as it plays
like music every line
There's a rug with bleeding dye under the fan in the room
Where the passions burning high by the chair
with the leopard skin under the light
It's always Penny and me tonight

Listening to this song, or any of their songs.. made me remember all those good times memories.. Why? Reason being, their songs grows within me. All of a sudden, the memories of home starts to crawl up my mind. I missed it. I missed them. I missed everyone, everything. Never realised that I'm so alone in this stranded land. Feel like I need to fly high to my eastern home. A place I once can never admit as a homey land. All that has changed now.

I realised I have nothing to hold on if I'm to remain living in this dry land. A place, I can never call home.. Just another foreign ground where I stand.

"Ternyata ia bukan matahari dalam kehidupanku, ia hanyalah pelangi, yang hadir sekejab dengan segala warnanya. tetapi mereka, akan selalu hidup dalam hatiku...".

This Time Around

Masa remaja itu indah. Terlebih lagi, bernostalgia masa-masa itu. Pasti ada senyum" kecil, tawa terbahak", Tereak" kegirangan, tangis terharu, kegembiraan. Iya, indescribable mixed of emotions.
Rasa itu yang gue alami sekarang ini, this moment in time.. this time around.
Ujung" bibir gue nggak berhenti terangkat dengan senyum" kecilku. Sungguh lucu.
Masa" itu, tidak akan berakhir. Tidak, jika tersimpan rapi di dalam kotak memori kalian. Seperti yang sekarang aku alami. Bizzarre, this truly is.
Hanya dengan satu pijakan, semua yang sudah tersimpan jauh di hati bisa menerjang kembali ke hadapanmu. Happy memories.

You can't say I didn't give it
I won't wait another minute
We're on our way this time around
Whoa yeah

a cinderella story

dear diary,
who is prince charming?

He's a constant actor in every romantic fairytale.
He is of course, a well-known prince charming.
A prince charming always is charming isnt he?
That is why,
We all wish for one to appear.
Instantly, towards us... towards me.

in every movie he's been in..
he always have the ability to charm all the ladies.
Well, maybe not all.
Maybe just a particular one... [if you know what i mean =P]
His charm spreads with all the romanticism in every make-believe fantasy.

That is why,
prince charming only exists in fairytales.

mirror mirror on the wall,
who's the fairest prince of them all?

A Biatch Mode

points of my well-being. Some things I recently realised, about my ownself.
in a bitchy mode.

1. i might tolerate everything else, but definitely NOT n NEVER a spoiled spoiled brat! irritating, they truly2 are!

2. do not ever disturb my sleep, not at night, not in the morning. dont even try to try to talk any words or do nice-civilize-small-talk wen am half-awake from a disturbed sleep. for all u get is my unfriendly frown and sarcastic comment.not very pleasent i tell u!

3. i hate shallow people who always take the easy roads in every circumstances, worst of all, be proud of it. a total turn off!

4. i wud appreciate ppl with great responsibility and know where their place. take consideration of others, specially those closest to you. simply means: together we keep everthing in every place.. CLEAN!!! dont have to be all bling and glassy, at least livable. not too unreasonable to ask now is it?

5. do anything that'll totally ruin my feelings, you'll be sorry for i'll remember it for eternity and forgiveness is rarely oblige.

6. not too fancy on admitting this, but i like rules.rules are good. they keeps us organize. much simpler n easier when follow rules. that is for all people to follow rules the better the result rather than just one individual try to keep her stand. that is just hard trouble friggin chaos!

7. Don't really like a kid who doesn't act like a kid. instead, they are trying to copycat an adult. They try to mature too quickly, which made them more irritating than they already is. Yes, I know. Kids are all cute, irrisistably adorable and are all amusable. Hey y'know what, none for me. Kids are only all those things before they reached a second year of age. Afterwards, they are just pure annoyance, which takes pure patience to deal with them. And I know, I only have a tiny portion of it! Yes, definitely not a motherly quote.

About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
