November milestone

All I can say now is, Alhamdulillah.

Fear would be an understatement. I'm scared shitless!

I'll be leaving my comfort zone of 8 months to a different unknown space. Me?! This rookie noob?! In my head, only 1 question keeps repeating. Can I do it??

I guess to know my rants I have to start from the beginning..

It started a week ago. On monday.
Human resources lady asked me a question I had never expected. An opportunity for promotion, at a new branch.. A senior position. I'll be managing a branch, along with a junior staff?! A noob like me???

Of course bigger paycheck and higher position intrigue me. As for career-wise, who would decline opportunity? It doesn't ever come twice.

A week of disgruntled battle between logic and heart. Logic won. But I guess, heart didn't entirely loose either. I want this. I'm just doubting my capabilities.

To cut story short, I've accepted the offer. I guess they will make official announcement by monday. 1 November, the pinpoint that will change the rest of this year.

Then comes..
12 november, my first ever business trip. My only concern is my mood swing. I don't have good socializing skills, that I admit. A full-on week training with travel around NSW state. Visiting schools and colleges with colleagues and competitors from all countries. I wouldn't know what to and what not to say on a business trip. Aacck this is so nerve-wrecking!

November, you're killin me!!! But I'm not ungrateful. I am blessed by many great things happened and is happening this year. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.

No one knows their present from their past. Does it make sense?

I meet my challenges tomorrow morning.
This sunday is coming to an end.
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim... I'm collecting all positive energy towards me, preparing my state of mind for tomorrow and the rest of the year.

About Me

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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
