ini itu dan lain lain, versi desember

Duh mati gaya.

2007 hampir selesaiii !! hanya menghitung hari.. 3 hari lagi, TIGA teman teman!
baca sini situ, sana kemari... ah, smua isinya resolusi, resolusi, dan lagi-lagi resolusi. belum lagi rekap kehidupan 2007.

So, Selamat tinggal 2007. Apa kabar kamu, 2008?

Semua orang sibuk ngerekap dan mendaur ulang keinginan dan harapan2 mereka untuk dijalanin lagi taun depan. Yah, namanya resolusi. I dont do resolutions just because I never do 'em right.

Tema gak jauh2 beda, paling nyerempet2 sedikit. Penghujung taun selalu diributkan dengan goals untuk taun kedepan. Ditulis dengan huge bold font (biar stuck in mind!), R e s o l u s i: DIET! Cari partner hidup!

Halah. Basi, jendral! Basi.

Gak usah deh taun depan.
NYE, zilch plans.
Those midnight fireworks are so last year. (basi maksudnya!)
apalagi setelah ngecek weather forecast NYE will be a freakishly steaming 41 degrees bokkk!! i'll melt instantly inside those crowds and in that weather!!

tapi, to stay at home on NYE, sounds very sad, isn't it?
New Years Eve gitu loh!

Aaah! I'm outta plans.
at a time like this, i prefer staying home in Indo and tease my lil niece.

whatever deh.
eh btw, apa hanya karena hari itu udah di declare jadi hari pesta sedunia, apa iya jadi orang rumahan pada hari itu jadi terlihat nista??
bingung ya? nevermind...

on entirely different note,
do you know?

The Queen made her way to the YouTube clan!
quite shocking for a royal monarch to enter a unrestricted media exposure as such.
If you're that curious, check the Queen's channel
There's also a glimpse of HRH. prince william and henry there, if you're interested, that is.

Queen's made her 7 minutes greetings about Christmas, family, and of course a teensy bit of politics and whatnot. The other clips pretty much like a guide tour inside the royal household. Dengerin aja suara naratornya, sperti suara yang di audio device in every museums! tacky.

oh well. sebatas ini aja clotehan hari ini.

selamat bersenang senang di penghujung 2007, NYE, dan taun 2008!

Happy New Year!


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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
