blurb of the day

Rain was pouring heavily on that day. In fact, it's been raining for the whole weekend. Nevertheless, the show went as planned, with slight delays and rugged chaos :p

Everything that happened during the weekend isn't what's planned. None can complain though. It's as best as everyone could've done. Something felt different, I wonder why.

Anyways, slight storm occured this arvo. That was exactly prior our departure to Jakarta. Confession: personally, I hate to feel weak or even seen as a weak person. Thus, when people have certain phobia to something, I kept wondering.. Can't they face their fear and not be afraid of whatever things that makes them go heebie-jeebies? Maybe easy for me to say it since I have no certain phobia to anything. Okay, Yes I do afraid of crocs and snakes, but who doesn't?

A friend once said, if it's time for death comin' knocking on your door then it's time. So if it happens to be on a plane crash, then supposedly, it is time. All's decided by the Mighty God. Aren't we all taught to not fear death?



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A Blank Canvas, Ready to be painted. Contemplation at its best. A personal Journey...
